HR challenges can cause direct impact to the entire company. Sadly, one of the dangers is that few organizations are taking advantage of the benefits of managing all their 201 files digitally.
201 file is a term used by the Human Resources (HR) Management to generalize the employees’ personal records which are submitted to the organization for profiling.
Most HR departments do not think about digitizing 201 files when it comes to compliance, but the reality is employee files, and other related documents, are subject to audits, regulations, controls, and specific retention periods. Learning how to store and manage digital files instead of paper files dramatically reduce the burden of compliance.
Here are the top 6 reasons why you should start digitizing your 201 files:
Scalability and Efficiency
When you have less than 30 employees in your company, you do not even think of getting a proper document management system (DMS) and just keep the documents on a storage facility. They retrieve it once they need something from it then just place it back after. Now, imagine doing that on hundreds or even thousands of employees. It will be quite a hassle just searching for one employee file.
In choosing a Document Management System, you should opt for something that can adapt to the changing needs of the business as it continues to expand. It should be able to get accustomed to your requirements and changing needs to continue adding value to your business.
Digitizing your employees’ 201 files with a proper document management system can have a significant impact on your scalability as a company. Human Resource will be able to manage their time more efficiently. Instead of wasting their time organizing employee files, your DMS will do that instead so you can perform other tasks that really needs your attention.
Geography – You Can Access 201 Files Anywhere and Anytime
In a corporate setup, disasters such as fire, earthquake and flood put your documents at incredible risk as these disasters could cause a company to lose all important records. Emergency response emphasizes how critical the preparation is in minimizing the impact of a natural disaster to a business. However, an organization can prevent the loss of important documents by taking a proactive approach in their mitigation strategies.
How do you create a safe environment for your documents? Printing more copies of business records and store it elsewhere like off-site storage will be costly and does not really justify that it is future-proofed. The best solution is to have a Document Management System to protect your documents from natural disasters and even cyber-attacks.
By digitizing your files, not only will you be able to protect your documents from natural disasters, but you would also have access to your documents whenever you need it, wherever you are.
Enadoc for HR offers the ability to manage thousands to millions of documents in scalable cloud environment.
Secures Your 201 Files
An HR software with a well-organized document management tool leads to enhanced performance and decision-making throughout the whole area of the business. Information stored by HR Departments are incredibly confidential, so security is critical.
A Document Management System enables users to set various levels of protection, and you can allow access but restrict certain functions like editing or printing. Enadoc will administer the necessary security for digital files, controlling access at certain levels and keeps track of the recent activities that can be reviewed. It provides the essential digital backup for business files and records; the organization remains compliant with the applicable privacy laws and industry regulations even without having the physical copies of these documents.

You can Integrate with Other Platforms
Let us say you want to have a better visualization on the number of employees that has a missing document. Doing that manually especially on a physical document would be time-consuming and therefore inefficient. What if you uploaded your files on a document management system that can integrate through different platforms such as Power BI. In just a few minutes, you will now generate more insights that will be beneficial to your company.
Automated integration to an employee 201 files will ensure that your document management tool has the same information that might be in your HR System. Such collaboration shows the capacity of the system to be flexible and adapt to diverse types of potential integration.
A strong level of integration into a system will help the organization save time and money. It will help ease the transition from the current system to a document management tool.
It Gives You Confidence
Digitizing documents is useless if the process only makes it harder for you to retrieve documents. As what a Document Management System should do—the goal is to decrease the time allotted to retrieve records and information.
Enadoc utilizes a powerful search function that can retrieve the documents you are looking for within seconds. It is equipped with different search functionalities giving users different options on the type of search they are conducting or on how they want to retrieve their documents.
Let the system do the worrying through strong workflow and monitoring controls to guarantee employee files are complete and updated.
Record Retention
According to Reference for Business, Record retention is a practice of keeping copies of your documents over time.
Enadoc Ensure files are kept and properly disposed when needed.
As an HR, you have a broad range of responsibilities, and one of your main responsibilities is to identify the importance of creating a proper environment for a safe, secure, and compliant management of HR documents.
Moving from a paper-based HR document environment to a digital platform is a big leap towards your ability to perform this critical responsibility. To get real value out of “going digital,” you need a Document Management System that drives compliance and visibility into your files to ensure its completeness.
To know more about Document Management System, email us at lisa@enadoc.com