Enadoc and Tech One Global will launch Enadoc Evia Sign this September 2022. This SaaS solution aims to approve, secure, and digitize your signing process
“We are excited about Evia Sign, the first product in our digital transformation suite. This first module will make all your document signing needs; secure, convenient, and compliant as you enable your modern and hybrid workplace. Join us in September to know how Enadoc Evia Sign works for your business.” Lars Jeppesen, CEO and Co-founder of Tech One Global and Enadoc.
“At Enadoc, we always wanted to find ways to make your business more efficient and profitable. Enadoc Evia is a result of such an effort. We listened to you and created this product to empower your employees and customers to enhance your business. Evia suite comprises three modules. Evia Sign, which allows you to get documents digitally signed and approved. Evia Archive will securely store these essential business documents and allow users access from anywhere. Finally, Evia Automate will bind your employees and customers into a single process eliminating bottlenecks. We are confident that the Enadoc Evia Suite will be of great value for your business.” Wasantha Weerakoone, COO and Co-founder of Tech One Global and Enadoc.
Get documents approved and signed digitally from anywhere and anytime. Enadoc Evia Sign lets you send, access, and sign documents securely and conveniently from contracts, agreements, finance, transactions, reports, and more. Know how it works for Human Resources, Legal, Sales, and your entire business operations.
Are you excited to know more?
Register now: https://offers.enadoc.com/evia/
Email: lisa@enadoc.com